Get Involved

Open Late is more than just a podcast - it's a community of like-minded individuals exploring love dependency and enhancing personal growth. But in order for our community to thrive, we need your participation.

By coming together and sharing our stories and experiences, we can help break down the stigma surrounding love dependency and non-traditional lifestyles, and create a more inclusive and supportive community for all.  Keep reading for different ways you can get involved!


Tell Your Story

Do you find yourself grappling with love dependency or relationship addiction, or are you in search of tools for personal growth within your relationships?

We believe that everyone's story deserves to be heard, and we want to create a space where you can share your experiences, struggles, and triumphs with others on a similar journey.

We’re always looking for everyday people to be featured on the podcast or on our blog.  Reach out if you have something interesting to share, we love hearing from you!

Ask a Question


Do you have burning questions about relationships, sex, or life in general? Are you afraid to ask them out loud? We've got you covered!

Our ongoing series, "Asking for a Friend," features anonymous questions submitted by our listeners. Hosted by Drea and her closest friends, this series is a no-holds-barred discussion about the topics that matter most to you.

Submitting your questions is easy and completely anonymous. Just fill out the form, and we'll take care of the rest.

Exploring non-traditional relationships can be a lonely and isolating experience. But Open Talks, a private and safe What's App chat group led by Jessica and a supportive community, provides a place where you can share your experiences and connect with others who understand.

Whether you're looking to discuss challenges, share personal wins, or seek advice, Open Talks is a community where you can find the support you need.


Join Open Talks

Follow us on social media to stay up to date on our newest episodes, upcoming events and everyday shenanigans!

Give us feedback on the latest episode and let us know what guest you’d love to see on next! Seriously, we love hearing from you!

Plus it’s one more way to connect with our amazing community!


Engage with Us

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