The Importance of Why to Focus on YOU and a NEW Journey for Drea!
“I am doing some self -focus right now. And let me tell you, my friends, I want to peel my skin off.”
In this Episode of Open Late, Drea discusses the importance of focusing on oneself and provides tips on how to do so. She emphasizes that self-focus is necessary for personal growth and improving relationships. Drea also encourages listeners to spend time alone, get to know themselves, and set boundaries. She also highlights the significance of taking an energy budget of relationships, engaging in activities one enjoys, and taking breaks from social media.
In this Episode of Open Late:
Spending Time Alone and Getting to Know Yourself
Taking an Energy Budget of Your Relationships
Setting Boundaries and Prioritizing Self-Care
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1:40 Sometimes we kind of mold into what the other person wants to do. And that's okay in a relationship at times when you're compromising things just because you know your partner wants to do them. -Drea Reene
2:09 But when you start compromising your core values and compromising things that aren't really fulfilling you inside, and you continue to do that for your partner, you're going to build resentment, not even just for your partner, for your friends, your family, all the important people in your life. -Drea Reene
4:35 So we have to spend some time alone. That's the number one thing. Spend some time alone and get to know what you like, what you don't like. Really get to understand those things about yourself. What is it that you like to do? -Drea Reene
4:58 So when you start to get to know yourself you gain agency, you gain ownership of yourself, and you build your self-esteem, then you're going to be able to show up better in those other relationships. -Drea Reene
6:43 if your Top five friends are all depleting you You really need to take a step back and focus on yourself if you get in the car after hanging out with some people in your family if hanging out with your partner and You feel completely depleted you are giving too much you are doing too much These people are draining you and you need to reevaluate Who is around you again? -Drea Reene
6:54 I am doing some self -focus right now. And let me tell you, my friends, I want to peel my skin off. -Drea Reene