Lauren Urbiztondo


In the beginning, we were very much exploring each other’s bodies and it was a never-ending sexual adventure with you. Now 3 years later, we’ve shifted a bit - we have the same values and have grown into them together. What we’ve developed is greater and bigger, like all of these emotions and sides of us we’ve had the chance to really explore.
— Lauren Urbiztondo

Today, Jess and her partner Lauren are coming at you from Iceland, giving you an intimate glimpse into their relationship dynamic! They talk about their sexual escapades abroad and getting naked wherever they can, while also getting vulnerable on why Lauren has reservations around publicly talking about their relationship.

In this episode of Open Late

  • Intimate look into Lauren & Jess’s relationship

  • How Jess & Lauren are intentional with being romantic

  • Lauren’s fears on publicly sharing about their relationship

  • Learning from & honoring your partner’s boundaries

  • Sexual adventures in Iceland


This show is produced by Soulfire Productions


Denis and Jessie


Kelli & Conner Moore