Dana and the Wolf
“You find more happiness, openness, freedom and less fear when you open your relationship. A lot of people think polyamory would bring more fear, but it does the total opposite.”
Dana and the Wolf are a pop duo who have found success on TikTok. While being committed to one another, the two decided to open up their relationship. They began documenting their adventures on TikTok, and their popularity quickly skyrocketed. Sharing their openness and their experiences with dating other people has created a sense of community for their relationship and other non-monogamous relationships who watch and follow their content.
How social media can bring a sense of community
How society has a negative outlook on polyamory due to media
Navigating through poly friendly dating apps
The significance of honesty and realness when sharing with their followers
What it's like being in the public eye of non monogamy
Follow Dana and the Wolf:
TikTok: @danaandthewolf
IG: @danaandthewolf
Website: www.danaandthewolf.com