Meghana Raveendra Part 2
“We can’t change the world. We can’t change things around us. We can only have more conversations, and be open to understanding. ”
In this episode, Jess and Meghana Raveendra continue their discussion about having children and their outlook of raising them without hiding your open relationship. They examine possible challenges children may experience and whether those occurrences could affect them in a positive or negative way. Meghana shares her personal experience of having multiple partners and her opinion about long-distance relationships. We discuss how labels can cause more issues than solutions at times and how the expectation of fulfilling every one of your partner’s wants, needs and desires can be exhausting.
In this episode of Open Late,
• Raising children within an open relationship
• Communal living
• Creating safe environments for children without hiding the truth
• Solo polyamory and long-distance relationships
• Expectations of satisfying all your partners needs vs the reality
Connect with Maghna:
• Instagram: @crazycurlyvagabond
• Blog:
Connect with Jessica:
• Instagram: @journey.with.jessica | @openlatethepodcast
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• Youtube: Open Late Podcast
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This is a Sabbatical Jess Production
“We are like a pie, with all these different slices, and these are all these various aspects of our personality and humanity, and it's very challenging for one person to bring out and interact with all those sides of us.”
"I grew up with a mental health problem in spite of my parents being monogamous."
"We can't change the world. We can't change things around us. We can only have more conversations, and be open to understanding."