Drea Renee

The Host

Drea Renee is excited and ready to dive in the realm of love and relationship codependency, a subject deeply meaningful to her on a personal level. She’s always had a curiosity and fascination with relationships and the intricate dynamics that unfold between individuals, particularly when things are harmonious. Having walked the challenging path of love and relationship codependency, Drea has not only overcome her struggles but also transformed them into expertise. Through active participation in workshops and 12-step programs, she has gained valuable insights that she is now fervently committed to sharing with others. 

With a rich background in the entertainment industry spanning ten years, including five years in podcasting, Drea infuses each episode with charisma and authenticity. Recognizable from reality TV shows like WE tv's "Ex-Isle," hosted by Carmen Electra, and most recently featured on Oprah's OWN network in the docu-series "Single Ladies," Drea candidly shares her own relationship struggles.

"OPEN LATE" is more than a podcast; it's a space for genuine conversations about the complexities of relationships. Drea is dedicated to sharing insights, stories, and expert perspectives, empowering listeners to overcome challenges and thrive in their journey toward love and connection.

As Drea unravels the secrets of making relationships work, she invites listeners to join her on a transformative exploration. Subscribe, tune in, and open up late with Drea Renee, as together they embrace the journey to better relationships through the lens of "OPEN LATE."

Jessica Esfandiary

The Creator

Jessica Esfandiary, a dynamic writer, speaker, and podcast host, explores the realm of open relationships, applying their principles to everyday life. With a background in personal development and coaching, Jessica challenges beliefs, inspiring a deeper understanding of love, connection, and non-monogamy.

Her journey towards non-monogamous relationships began unintentionally with an "Accidental Threesome" in 2013. By consciously seeking new partners, Jessica discovered her polyamorous nature when she and her husband met a full-time third partner. During these early years, there were limited resources and so much societal shame surrounding non-monogamous relationships. Only a few close friends and family knew about this part of their life.  

Despite societal stigma, Jessica and her husband found strength in personal development and emotional intelligence training, delving into sex and sexuality education to understand herself and her partners better.

As her confidence grew, she began sharing her experiences and knowledge with others. Quickly, she realized that many people were very curious about (and even exploring) open relationships!  

So with a decade of consensual non-monogamy and intentional polyamory, Jess started “going live” Sunday evenings on social media, openly discussing her relationships and addressing common questions.  It was apparent: people wanted more honest conversations about love and relationships; they wanted a safe place to be curious and ask questions, and they wanted to feel seen. This led to the creation of the Open Late Podcast in 2021, offering a safe and inclusive space for exploring non-traditional lifestyles and relationships.

After two years of hosting Open Late, Jessica is embarking on a new chapter of motherhood.  During this time, her dear friend Drea Renee will take over hosting responsibilities for the podcast, ensuring the continued exploration of relationships and lifestyles with a unique perspective on love dependency. The Open Late Podcast remains dedicated to providing a safe space for diverse connections and promoting understanding in relationships while Jessica focuses on nurturing her growing family.




The Mission

To create a safe and inclusive space where we explore the complexities of love and relationship codependency and enhance relationships through exploring various dynamics within relationships.

To celebrate love, connection, and self-discovery as crucial elements in cultivating healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

To push the boundaries, question societal norms, and find joy in the journey of growth and self-improvement within our connections.

The Vision

Our podcast is a compassionate space dedicated to exploring the complex areas of love dependence and addiction in relationships. We believe in creating a place for understanding, empathy, and empowerment for individuals navigating the intricacies of connection. We aim to be a source of support for anyone facing challenges in their relationships, not limited to love dependence alone. 

By sharing stories, insights, and expert advice, we strive to break down the stigma surrounding relationship struggles and provide tools for positive change.

Our commitment is to inclusivity, recognizing that everyone's journey is unique. Whether you're navigating  love and relationship codependency or everyday relationship struggles our podcast aims to be a guiding force for individuals seeking healthier, more fulfilling connections. We champion for relationships that uplift and serve individuals, and our ultimate goal is to empower our listeners to make informed choices, fostering a community of resilience, self-love, and growth. 

So come as you are, bring an open mind, and join us on this journey!

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