The Pain Of Letting Go
“If you are experiencing that immense pain of letting someone go, you are not alone. And there are things that you can do to get yourself through this space in your life and just remember like it does not have to be perfect motion changes emotion 100%.”
In this Episode of Open Late, Drea focuses on the pain of loving the wrong person and the struggle of letting go. She discusses the science and chemical aspects of attachment and trauma bonding. Also, she emphasizes the importance of recognizing unhealed wounds and taking responsibility for one's part in unhealthy relationships. The roller coaster of unhealthy relationships and the attraction to chaos are explored. The episode also offers advice on seeking support, practicing self-care, expressing oneself, and journaling. The journey of healing and self-worth is highlighted, along with the importance of planting seeds for change and treating oneself well.
In this Episode of Open Late:
The Pain of Loving the Wrong Person
Unhealed Wounds and Trauma Bonding
The Roller Coaster of Unhealthy Relationships
Support and Self-Care
Support Group:
Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (S.L.A.A.)
Love is a Choice
When You Love Too Much
Connect with Drea:
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5:58 If it's reinforcing the beliefs that you have about yourself, then you know, we're going to go towards it. And I can tell you, in my experience when I've had these moments in my life, I always knew in the beginning and I think there was a part of me, like I said before, that wanted to just run for myself and said, person gave me something to do, and I want to give grace to everyone that's in the beginning of this, or just kind of starting the awareness of these patterns in your life because this isn't a conscious thing.
10:12 That's the true LARC, love and relationship codependency aspect. That is it right there. It consumes everything. It's the first thing you think about. You know, you can't eat, you can't move, can't go to work, you can't do the things it's taking over your life. And I know what that's like. As I was on that journey, I definitely realized those moments where it was getting better, but I'm still in the throes of it.
11:22 I remember waking up and you just feel like and elephant is on your chest. Like taking a shower and just having the hardest cry of all time. And it seemed like that pain was just never, ever going to go away and your brain is just on loop, constantly trying to figure out how you got there, what happened, what you could have done differently
12:08 The rollercoaster can be exciting sometimes, right? You're up now down. They're telling you it's over. You're telling them it's over. You're back together. Nobody knows. But then it's like, Is that it? Is that your life? And I'm sure some of us have asked ourselves, are we ever going to be in a healthy place?
19:30 When you start engaging in those self esteem acts, that's when that stuff starts to change and it's organic. It's like when these things start to happen, you almost don't even know. What ends up happening Is those actions no longer feel in alignment in your self, which is growing. You want to find your power within yourself.
22:30 If you are experiencing that immense pain of letting someone go, you are not alone. And there are things that you can do to get yourself through this space in your life and just remember like it does not have to be perfect motion changes emotion 100%.