Dr. Wednesday Martin
“The sole function of the clitoris is sexual pleasure. There’s a reason that only women have an organ devoted entirely to sexual pleasure.”
In this episode of the Open Late Podcast, Jess connects with Dr. Wednesday Martin, a New York Times bestselling author and renowned sexpert known for her work on parenting, step-parenting, female sexuality, motherhood, and popular culture. Their discussion is a deep dive into various aspects of human nature and sexuality. Wednesday introduces us to the world of bonobos, shedding light on how these primates offer insights into our own social and sexual behaviors. She also delves into the fascinating world of regression analysis, a powerful statistical tool that helps uncover patterns and insights in her research. The conversation takes a historical turn as Wednesday discusses how the advent of agriculture transformed the roles of women in societies and continues to shape gender dynamics today. They also explore female anatomy and the concept of the "girl boner," highlighting the complexity of female sexual pleasure and arousal.
In this Episode of Open Late:
Human nature and sexuality
Regression analysis
Dominant female species and evolution to experience pleasure
The impact of agriculture on women's roles and gender dynamics
Female anatomy and the "girl boner"
Connect with Dr. Wednesday Martin:
• Instagram: @wednesdaymartinphd
• Website: http://wednesdaymartin.com
• Book: “UNTRUE” http://wednesdaymartin.com/books/untrue/
Connect with Jessica:
• Instagram: @journey.with.jessica | @openlatethepodcast
• Website: openlatepodcast.com
• YouTube: Open Late Podcast
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3:33 If we measure female libido the right way, male and female libido are very closely matched. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
3:50 We were taught that women are naturally "monogamous," and what we know from more recent evolutionary biology is that in aggregate e it's a tighter shoe for men than it is for women. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
7:23 The means of production shifting from either at-home agriculture, stick and poke agriculture or hunting and gathering that transition to plow culture changed our beliefs radically about who women and men are, including that men became more sexually entitled and privileged. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
12:16 After the agricultural shift, for some women who had dependent children, they were looked at if they were not bringing home the calories, if they were not bringing home the bacon, they had less power relative to men who were doing it. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
15:54 In the long arc of human evolution, inequality is a recent aberration. Women being subjugated is a recent aberration in the long arc of human equality. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
16:28 Women being subjugated is a recent aberration in the arc of human evolution. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
21:51 We are more closely related to bonobos than we are to chimps. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
22:21 We evolved from a female-dominant species where the females are remarkably promiscuous and they would rather have sex with other females than with a male, and that's how they build their social power. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
25:29 We evolved as super flexible, sexual and social strategist, that means we can thrive in a number of situations. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
25:42 Our organs and where everything is placed, how we function, and how we experience pleasure really do point to the fact that we come from a long line of society where we would have multiple sex partners. - Jessica Esfandiary
30:50 The sole function of the clitoris is sexual pleasure. There's a reason that only women have an organ devoted entirely to sexual pleasure. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
33:25 We are not a heteronormative species, but the name of the game in evolutionary biology is reproduction, and our reproductive success is defined as how many offspring do we have to survive to reproduce themselves. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
34:30 You have one guy, and he has low sperm motility, but be with four guys, and you'll up your chances that they have great sperm motility. You'll up your chances that they're genetically dissimilar enough from you that you'll have a robust pregnancy and a robust offspring. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
37:42 A female chimp who has a very abject, dangerous life, and they get beaten by males and by other females, low-ranking female chimps. They will risk death at the hands of a dominant male who leaves their troop and goes wandering, goes out there, finds a male who is a stranger, and copulates with him. – Dr. Wednesday Martin
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